Deep tissue massage is very similar to remedial massage and it’s now available in our beautiful wellness centre in the heart of Cooroy.
These particular types of massage treatments target the deeper layers of muscle and surrounding connective tissues and can assist with a range of conditions and pains.
While a deep tissue massage usually involves massaging all areas of the body, when it focuses on areas that are particularly problematic, it’s referred to as a remedial massage or treatment.
Because the purpose of a deep tissue massage is to break up muscle tension, adhesions and scar tissue that often lie in deeper musculature – and requires a significant amount of pressure to be applied – it’s normal for you to feel a small amount of discomfort during the treatment.
You will be encouraged to let the therapist know if this becomes too uncomfortable for you – please speak up. Discomfort is different to pain and we don’t want this to be a painful experience for you.
Most people have deep tissue massage to help alleviate a particular problem, such as:
- Chronic muscle pain
- Injury rehabilitation and athletic recovery
- Repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) such as carpal tunnel syndrome
- Osteoarthritis
- Postural difficulties
- Tennis elbow
- Sciatica
- Limited mobility
- Lower back pain
- Breaking up scar tissue
The two main aims of deep tissue or remedial massage are:
- to ease the discomfort and pain associated with these issues
- to increase your body’s capacity to heal itself
Choose from a 60-minute or 90-minute massage.
Book during opening hours by calling us on 0460 803 469, or online anytime.
Cost & Availability
Our Deep Tissue Massages are available at our Cooroy location on Thursday and Friday.
A 60 minute massage will cost $90, while a 90 minute massage will be $120.
Cancellations & Missed Appointments
Two clear working days’ notice is required otherwise a cancellation fee may be charged. Please note that we do not charge a cancellation fee if we are able to find another client to take your appointment time.
Cancellation fees are needed as we are required by law to provide employees with at least two days’ notice of cancelled shifts.
Cancellation Fee Structure
More than two clear working days’ notice provided: no fee
Between one and two clear working days’ notice provided: 50% of the normal service fee
Less than one working day notice provided or missed appointment – 100% of the normal service fee
Zero Tolerance Policy
The Collective is a safe space for staff, volunteers and visitors. We have implemented a Zero Tolerance Policy to ensure all individuals are treated with dignity and respect. This means that aggressive, disrespectful, or violent behaviour will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
If you violate this policy in any way, you will be asked to immediately leave the premises. You will not be refunded for the cost of the appointment regardless of whether or not it has started.
If you violate this policy over the telephone, any bookings that you have made will be cancelled. We will refuse to conduct any future business with you and any outstanding business will be finalised in writing only.
Instances of violence will immediately be referred to the police.
Any instances of written abuse will be handled with the same level of severity. All abusive correspondence received by our office will be retained for reference should the matter persist and need to be referred to the police.